Wednesday, September 3, 2008

What I know Now...

Primary colors: are the starting point of all colors. they can not be made and make up all the colors.
  • Red
  • Blue
  • Yellow

Secondary colors: are the basic three colors formed by mixing 2 primary colors

  • Purple (Blue+Red)
  • Green (Yellow+Blue)
  • Orange (Yellow+Red)

Complimentary Colors are colors that are directly opposite of eachother on the color wheel

You can emphasize different elements of a painting in many different ways, 2 ways include

  • using complimentary colors
  • using size

If i was trying to create a shadow for an object you would first choose or establish the dirrection of the light. The angle of the light determons where the shadow falls and the length of the shadow.

A highlight represents light on an object and is the opposite of a shadow. i would represent it as a lighter part of the object.

If i was trying to make an object look far away i would use size difference and possition to show where it fell in the composition. An object closer to you would appear larger.

When Building a painting i would first decide where i wanted each object to be in the composition. then i would establish there size, shape, base color, and depth. I would continue to build on each object. including details, highlights and shadows, textures,

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