Thursday, October 16, 2008

Where am i at?

The most challenging aspect for me so far was learning how to layer the paint in a way that was oil painterly but also in a way to make it so that the painting is built from multiple layers. This was really hard for me in the white objects painting because i wanted to be able to make each color separately right away, but couldnt make the exact color i wanted. I've gotten better at layering but I would not at all say i was good at it yet. 
I have become a lot more used to the media. How to mix colors, how to start a painting by using a medium tone or a overall color and working light and dark from that color instead of light to dark only. 
In the past I've always used other peoples art, and art from history, as a way to improve my art work, doing studies, learning from their styles and their uses of light or composition of media, big general areas or even there use of detail. In this class we've used historical art and famous artist work to explore an art principle like composition or texture and using what we learn and incorporating it into our art.

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